Wondering Who is Getting What Done? Check Out These Interesting Plastic Surgery Stats from ASPS

Cosmetic surgery isn’t as hush-hush as it once was—now it seems like everyone from your favorite celeb to your neighbor is openly sharing whatever they’ve had done. But how many people are having plastic surgery? And what procedures are the most popular?
If you’ve been wondering, good news: the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recently released their annual plastic surgery statistics report, giving us statistical insight into which procedures and treatments Americans are choosing to look and feel fabulous.
But first, where do these procedure stats come from?
Every year, ASPS asks their member surgeons and other physicians certified by related medical boards who offer these procedures to provide information on the number of cases they performed in the previous year.
While these statistics don’t necessarily reflect every single plastic surgery procedure or cosmetic treatment performed in the US, it does give us a good idea of which procedures are falling in or out of popularity.
And the winners are…
Considering how many Granite Bay breast augmentation procedures Dr. Clark has performed, it comes as no surprise that breast augmentation was once again the #1 most popular plastic surgery procedure—a position it’s held consistently for over a decade according to ASPS.
That said, surgical procedure numbers are dwarfed by non-surgical options: BOTOX and Dysport beat out breast aug by 2370%. No surprise given it’s quick, popular with both men and women, can be used in multiple areas, and needs to be repeated a few times a year to maintain results.
Here are the most-performed plastic surgery procedures and non-surgical treatments by category:
- Breast Procedure: Breast augmentation, 313,735 procedures
- Body Procedure: Liposuction; 258,558 procedures
- Facial Procedure: Nose reshaping (rhinoplasty); 216,780
- Non-Surgical Procedure: Botulinum toxin injectables (like BOTOX and Dysport); 7,437,378 procedures
These results are fairly similar to the last few years, showing that, by and large, patient favorites (and their underlying cosmetic concerns) have remained consistent.
Interesting trends to note
In addition to providing the number of surgeries performed in a year, the ASPS stats also offer us interesting comparative data to show changes in aesthetic trends. Specifically, they compared the previous two years, as well as numbers from 2000, when they first began publishing these reports.
It’s fascinating to look at the numbers and see how they differ from what many would assume or what the media is reporting. For instance, breast augmentation numbers are up by 4% from 2017, while breast implant removals are down 28% from 2000—despite news the procedure may be falling out of favor.
And while liposuction is still the most popular body contouring procedure, overall liposuction numbers are 37% less than the procedure’s hayday in 2000, likely because of the advancement of non-surgical fat reduction treatments, like CoolSculpting.
These changing numbers are also telling of the cultural shift of aesthetic preference from the noughties—the era of low-riding jeans, tube tops, and Paris Hiltonesque physiques—to today. In recent years, the curvier silhouettes of Kim Kardashian, Beyoncé, and Cardi B grace magazine covers and are held as a beauty ideal, leading to the continued popularity of procedures that focus on enhancing curves. The body positivity movement has also helped many embrace more natural looks, focusing instead on small changes that have a large impact on overall proportions and contours.
When it comes to anti-aging, you can also see our culture’s change in opinion, with subtle, natural-looking results being preferred over dramatic changes. Facelifts are down 9% from 2000, while targeted surgeries and treatments like eyelid lifts, injectables, and other minimally invasive options continue gaining popularity.
One thing that doesn’t change? Choosing the right surgeon
While the popularity of certain procedures may wax and wane, there’s one universal truth when it comes to cosmetic surgery: it’s crucial to your health and results to work with a properly qualified plastic surgeon. A plastic surgeon who has the right training, credentials, and experience will work closely with you to develop the perfect treatment plan for giving you results you’ll love using a variety of techniques and technologies.
At Granite Bay Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Christa Clark and her talented team keep their finger on the pulse of what’s trendy while also relying on their years of experience to help guide you in the right direction. If you’d like to learn more about your options or are ready to book, please contact us to schedule a one-on-one consult today!