Plasma Resurfacing

If you’re looking for a quick yet highly effective skin makeover, plasma resurfacing may be the ideal Granite Bay med spa treatment to help refresh, firm, and revitalize your skin. This one-of-a-kind treatment combines plasma and radiofrequency technologies to address your skin’s imperfections and restore its youthful glow!

What is plasma resurfacing?

Plasma resurfacing with Alma Opus is a cutting-edge skin treatment that uses a blend of methods to target and improve various skin conditions. It employs plasma technology to create tiny microchannels in the skin’s surface layer, promoting rapid skin renewal and repair. At the same time, it uses radiofrequency to deliver controlled heat energy to the deeper layers of the skin to induce thermal damage and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Your body responds by amping up collagen and elastin production—the essential proteins that keep your skin cells plump and healthy—to heal the skin.

The combination of these technologies provides a holistic approach to skin revitalization to address both surface and deep skin concerns. In the weeks following treatment, your boosted collagen & elastin stores will work their magic, giving your skin a smoother, tighter, and younger-looking appearance.

Unlike conventional fractional resurfacing lasers or full-field ablative resurfacing lasers that remove the outer layer of the skin, the Alma Opus targets a precise pattern instead of the entire surface of the skin, leaving a percentage of the skin undamaged to support a quick recovery. This method reduces downtime, minimizes potential risks, and speeds up the healing process, making it a convenient option for many patients.

Benefits of Alma Opus plasma resurfacing

The advanced plasma resurfacing technology allows Alma Opus to effectively treat a variety of skin imperfections to renew your skin’s appearance and boost your confidence. Alma Opus plasma resurfacing is proven to be safe and effective in treating the following common skin concerns on the face and other parts of the body:

  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Acne scars
  • Pigmentation irregularities (melasma, freckles, dark spots, etc.)
  • Mild skin laxity

How Alma Opus plasma resurfacing works

The Alma Opus system blends plasma and radiofrequency (RF) technologies and 3 different specialized treatment tips to provide a comprehensive and effective skin resurfacing treatment. Our skincare experts will assess your skin and determine which tip(s) will best target your skin concerns for the quickest, strongest results possible:

  • The Opus Plasma® Glide tip is the largest handpiece and gently ablates your skin’s dull, damaged surface layers.
  • The Opus Plasma® Focus tip treats localized areas with thermal coagulation for more targeted spot treatments.
  • The Opus Colibri® tip is 0.7 mm and delivers precise ablation and thermal coagulation in those hard-to-reach areas.

Is plasma resurfacing right for your skin?

Alma Opus is a versatile, customizable treatment suitable for use on many skin types—plus, it has the power to treat most common aesthetic concerns. So there’s a good chance plasma resurfacing could be right for you! That said, suitability of any treatment can only be determined with a personal consultation. Our GBCS aesthetics team has advanced training in using plasma resurfacing technology and other therapies, as well as a thorough understanding of skin; they can help you determine if you are a good candidate for Alma Opus plasma resurfacing or present other options to help you safely and effectively achieve your skincare goals.

What to expect from a Granite Bay plasma resurfacing procedure

We perform Alma Opus plasma resurfacing in our private treatment suites. Most full-face treatments can be completed within 15-30 minutes.

Does Alma Opus plasma resurfacing hurt?

While the sensation of receiving Alma Opus plasma resurfacing treatment varies from person to person, most patients describe it as a mild tingling or warming sensation in the treated area. Any discomfort is typically minimal and well-tolerated; we can apply a topical numbing cream before your treatment for enhanced comfort.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of plasma resurfacing treatments you’ll need depends on your specific skin concerns and the level of improvement you’d like to see. Many patients see noticeable improvements after 1 session; however, we typically recommend 3 sessions to see optimal results and a yearly maintenance session to help maintain them. Alma Opus plasma resurfacing is gentle and safe enough to add additional treatments to improve more severe skin concerns.

Pairing Alma Opus plasma resurfacing with other skin treatments

We can maximize your Alma Opus plasma resurfacing results by pairing it with other proven med spa treatments, including:

Combining treatments can address a wider range of concerns for enhanced skin health and extend the longevity of plasma resurfacing results.

Your plasma resurfacing results

Post-treatment, you can expect smoother, tighter, and more youthful-looking skin. The improvements in skin tone, texture, and clarity are often visible within a week after plasma resurfacing treatment and continue to enhance as the skin heals, and new collagen is produced.

How long do the Alma Opus plasma resurfacing effects last?

Alma Opus plasma resurfacing results can last for up to a year and beyond. Your results will be influenced by your skin’s condition and lifestyle factors. You can support your results by adding complementary treatments and taking care of your skin at home with a skincare regimen curated by one of our licensed aestheticians to suit your skin and target your concerns.

Recovery and downtime

Recovery after Alma Opus plasma resurfacing is typically minimal. You may prefer 24-48 hours of social downtime to let redness and swelling resolve if your treatment is more extensive. We can provide an accurate estimate during your consultation of how long you may experience mild side effects to help you plan appropriately.

Caring for your skin post-resurfacing

Post-procedure skin care is crucial to prevent skin damage and scarring and to maintain the results of your Alma Opus plasma resurfacing treatment. This includes avoiding sun exposure, using a high-quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, and following all aftercare instructions specific to your treatment protocol.

Potential side effects and risks

As with any cosmetic procedure, Alma Opus plasma resurfacing carries some potential risks and side effects, including temporary redness, swelling, and sensitivity. These effects are typically mild and resolve on their own within a few hours to a few days. More serious complications are rare and can be further minimized by selecting experienced providers overseen by a board-certified doctor for your treatment.

Plasma resurfacing FAQs

How much does plasma resurfacing in Granite Bay cost?

The cost of plasma resurfacing treatments depends on the extent of the treatment, the number of treatment areas, and how many sessions you’ll need to meet your expectations. We will provide a detailed cost estimate based on your treatment plan during your consultation.

Remember that with plasma resurfacing treatments, cheaper is not always better! The knowledge and experience of the provider should be paramount in your decision-making process to ensure you receive expert care, avoid complications, and see optimal results.

How is Alma Opus plasma resurfacing different from CO2 laser skin treatments?

Alma Opus plasma resurfacing and CO2 laser treatments are used for skin resurfacing, but they differ significantly in technology. Alma Opus employs fractional plasma technology to the outer layer of the skin, which typically requires less downtime depending on the level of treatment you receive. In contrast, CO2 laser treatments are fully ablative, meaning they vaporize the entire top layer of treated skin and may require a little more downtime. One technology isn’t necessarily better than the other, but rather each option has unique features to address specific skin needs.

Alma Opus plasma resurfacing also employs radiofrequency to further encourage new collagen and elastic production as an added bonus!

How is Alma Opus plasma resurfacing different from RF (Radiofrequency) microneedling?

Alma Opus plasma resurfacing and RF Microneedling are both skin rejuvenation treatments that include RF technology, but they have different advantages.

Alma Opus combines RF with fractionally ablative skin resurfacing. The radiofrequency component of the treatment stimulates collagen and elastin production in deeper layers of the skin, while the fractional plasma skin resurfacing does a beautiful job of reducing your skin’s surface flaws, resulting in more plump, vibrant skin. A single treatment will deliver a visible change; 2-3 sessions offer ideal results.

On the other hand, RF microneedling merges traditional microneedling to trigger collagen production and soften surface concerns with RF energy to heat underlying layers and provide tissue tightening. Treatment is gentle but effective; 6+ sessions may be needed to see notable results.

While treatment can be a bit more intense with the Alma Opus’s fractionally ablative technology, you’ll see stronger skin rejuvenation results with plasma resurfacing.

Ready to transform your skin? Trust the experts at GBCS

Patients in Granite Bay and the surrounding areas trust the experts at the Granite Bay Cosmetic Surgery med spa to deliver safe, beautiful results. All of our treatments are approved and overseen by our team of Granite Bay plastic surgeons, and our skilled technicians are specifically trained to use Alma Opus so you experience superior results.

Book your consultation to learn more about plasma resurfacing and how we can help transform your skin! Call our medspa at (916) 242-2662 or message us today.