6 Hacks to Spring Clean Your Life (+ Who in Granite Bay Can Help You)

When it comes to “spring cleaning” tips for your skin, face or body, that’s our specialty (just give us a call). When it comes to your home, your relationships, your sanity—well, there are plenty of resources in Granite Bay to show you how to spring clean those areas, including the beautiful person reading this right now (yes we mean you) 😉
To help you get inspired, we’re sharing our favorite life hacks to be happier and healthier, as well as ideas to spruce up the space around you before summer is official.
Grab a can of paint and reinvent your living space
Scour this season’s latest paint color trends and transform that old tired bookshelf, bedroom, or bureau (or all of the above) into a gorgeous new feature of your home. We love the warm, bright and calming colors featured here; take a look to get inspired. If DIY painting isn’t your thing, hire a pro! Need recommendations? Start with these highly-rated Granite Bay painters.
Master the art of “Swedish Death Cleaning” in areas that need it most
Don’t be scared. The act of Swedish Death Cleaning doesn’t involve death (or going to Sweden). It’s the philosophy behind it that gives it the name: after we die, someone will have to deal with all the stuff we leave behind. Swedish Death Cleaning is hardcore decluttering with the idea of lightening that load for our friends and family.
Here’s how to do it. Pick a location: your garage, your closet, etc. Ruthlessly toss or donate items you never use or that hold little value to you. Have a friend help to keep your sentimental side in check when you’re tempted to keep that designer dress that just isn’t “you” or a giant foam finger from college. Afterward, you’ll feel fabulous, and your space will be easier to “regular” clean. You might even treat your home to a floor-to-ceiling scrub by one of fave eco-friendly Granite Bay cleaning companies, Meticulosity Maids.
Add oomph to your relationship with a weekend getaway
When we’re juggling work, kids, bills, etc., it’s easy to put romance on the back burner. But it’s important to stoke the homefires from time to time. One great way to strengthen your bond with your boo? Pack your bags…together. Research shows that couples who travel together frequently have better communication and are less likely to split up than those who never spring for a getaway. You don’t have to go far to find the perfect weekend trip for the two of you. This Sac Bee article offers 8 great road trips based on different interests.
Refresh your skincare/makeup drawer + routine
Been applying the same products and shades by rote since you can’t remember when? Babe, it’s probably time for a change. We need to update our skincare and makeup tools and techniques as we age not only to look better, but also to ensure optimal protection as our skin ages (not to mention avoiding bacteria in expired makeup). Apply your newly developed Swedish Death Cleaning skills and ditch anything out of date or unusable (here’s a guide for what to put on the chopping block).
Then, invest in a few quality products that better match your skin care needs today. Our Granite Bay skincare experts can help with that, so give us a call.
Try a fun new way to get movement into your day
Banging out the same dreadmill session every day? It’s not only boring, but you’re body may be so adapted to your old routine that you’re not even getting max benefit anymore. Switch it up this spring with a new workout. Don’t limit yourself to the gym, either. Anything that breaks a sweat counts: offer to walk the neighbor’s dog (or adopt your own!), go to the park and jump and climb on stuff, throw on a playlist and shake your booty in the living room, or check out one of our favorite group exercise classes in Granite Bay.
Recommit to some real self-care
Do all five of the above, and you’re well on your way to feeling better than ever this spring. But a happy, healthy life is all about balance, so try to work some quiet time into your active life. Just a few minutes a day of meditation, deep breathing, or putting your legs up the wall can help you destress. If you don’t know where to start, try a guided meditation app, like Simple Habit, which offers 5 to 30 minute meditations for stress, anxiety, better sleep and more.
Now, don’t you feel better already just reading these life enhancing tips? We’d love to hear your ideas for how to spring clean your life. Leave a comment below!
1 Comment Posted to "6 Hacks to Spring Clean Your Life (+ Who in Granite Bay Can Help You)"
The tips are truly helpful. They’re unique and can be applied for every season. Thanks for sharing.