For many of us, maintaining healthy, hydrated skin can be a challenge—especially in the winter! There are a number of things you can do to give your skin a nice glow, such as drinking lots of water and using a humidifier. But if your skin still needs a boost and you find yourself looking to… Continue Reading »
Archives by Month: January, 2023
We are pleased to introduce you to Dr. Haley Bray, Granite Bay’s new female facial plastic surgeon! Dr. Bray is highly skilled in facial plastic surgery and is passionate about helping others feel more confident in their appearance. She offers a full range of surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures. We sat down with Dr…. Continue Reading »
Whether you’ve already had a breast augmentation or plan to start a family after having surgery, you may be wondering if the procedure or the implants themselves will interfere with your ability to safely and successfully breastfeed. The good news is, studies have long-since proven that breastfeeding with implants is safe—here, the expert plastic surgeons… Continue Reading »
We love the feeling of stepping into a hot sauna after a hard workout or stressful day and feeling tension melt away—but did you know saunas may also improve your mental and physical health? You may just add sauna bathing to your self-care routine after reading about these surprising benefits. Why are saunas good for… Continue Reading »
The internet is rife with articles telling us what to do for our aging facial skin, but few educate us on what to do when it comes to our aging lady bits. Yet aging “down there” is equally (if not more!) problematic: uncomfortable sagging labia, mild urinary leakage, and vaginal dryness are all common symptoms… Continue Reading »
We think of scarring as a bad thing, but your breast augmentation surgeon plans for a certain kind of “good” internal scarring, called a capsule, to form around your breast implants as you heal. The scar tissue capsule actually keeps breast implants in place, just the way your surgeon intended. It is the body’s natural… Continue Reading »