6 Questions You Have About Labiaplasty, Answered by a Female Plastic Surgeon

Despite the fact that over half of the population is composed of women, the topic of female anatomy has traditionally been considered taboo by many—and the word “vagina” is often whispered in hushed tones. Thankfully, times are starting to change, and more and more women are opening up about their sexual health.
With this increasing dialogue, we’ve seen greater interest in both surgical and non-surgical options for improving issues that can have a huge impact on emotional, physical, and sexual health for women—and labiaplasty in particular has seen a surge in popularity.
By correcting some of the most common concerns women have with their labia—including excessive size, drooping, and asymmetry—labiaplasty can have a life-changing impact for many patients. In fact, labiaplasty has a 96% satisfaction rate on popular cosmetic surgery website, RealSelf.
To get the scoop on labiaplasty, we sat down with Dr. Christa Clark and asked her some of the most common questions we receive from patients here at Granite Bay Cosmetic.

1. What’s the difference between labiaplasty and non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation?
“In recent years, there have been a number of advancements in non-surgical and minimally invasive skin tightening—and new technologies have been developed specifically to address lax vaginal tissues and labia. As with any non-surgical technique, the results that can be achieved are typically much less dramatic and predictable than their surgical counterparts.
While the initial discomfort and length of recovery will be greater than with a non-surgical options, the results are incomparable—and my labiaplasty patients are typically thrilled with the outcome.
“Typically, laser or thermal energy-based devices reported to help tighten the appearance of the labia work by contracting the tissues on contact and improving collagen production in the area for further improvement over time. And while there are many patients who are happy with the results, others who have more severe concerns will not see the improvement they hoped for. Additionally, there is a risk of uneven results based on how your skin responds to treatment.
“Labiaplasty, on the other hand, involves surgically recontouring the labia to produce a symmetrical appearance. During consult, I work closely with my patients to determine what size, shape, and look she wants and am able to fully customize the surgical plan accordingly. Because I am not reliant on technology but my own experience and surgical skill, I am able to provide patients with much more consistent results that very closely match their goals.
“While the initial discomfort and length of recovery will be greater than with non-surgical options, the results are incomparable—and my labiaplasty patients are typically thrilled with the outcome.”
2. Can you improve deflated labia minora?
“It’s common for the labia minora to develop a droopy, deflated appearance with pregnancy and childbirth, weight fluctuation, and even the natural aging process. Depending on the severity, this condition can make wearing certain clothes or working out incredibly uncomfortable for some women—not to mention causing feelings of self-consciousness and impacting intimacy.
“By removing excess sagging tissues, I can give the labia minora a smaller, tighter appearance that looks more youthful. By creating a symmetrical size and shape, I can provide long-term improvement.
3. How long does it take to recover after labiaplasty?
“Most of my patients are back to work within five days or less, though this can vary based on how much tissue we removed and your own healing process. Labiaplasty incisions typically heal beautifully.
You’ll need to wait at least a month after labiaplasty to have sex to make sure your incisions have fully healed
“While you can start resuming most of your day-to-day activities after a week or two, exercise will be off limits for at least a month to avoid straining your healing incisions or causing you unnecessary discomfort. I recommend against constrictive clothing until you’re fully healed and urge patients to stick with loose, cotton panties for at least the first few weeks. Ultimately, you don’t want anything rubbing against your incisions or putting too much tension on the tender tissues.”
4. When can I have sex after labiaplasty?
“I know how frustrating it can be to avoid intimacy with your partner—particular when you want to show off your new results! Typically, you’ll need to wait at least a month before having intercourse or engaging in any activity with direct contact with labial tissue to make sure your incisions have healed. If you rush it, you could reopen incisions, cause yourself pain, or introduce bacteria to the wounds and develop an infection.”
5. How much does labiaplasty cost?
“Typically, labiaplasty ranges in price depending on the severity of your concerns and how long your procedure will take. After your consultation, you’ll be provided with a specific fee quote detailing your expected total cost.”
6. Does insurance ever cover labia reduction?
“Unfortunately, it is very rare for insurance to cover labia reduction, even in cases where a patient’s life is dramatically impacted by their condition.
“That being said, there are a number of options to help you have the procedure of your choice without derailing your budget. My practice works with CareCredit, a third-party healthcare financing company with reasonable monthly payments and no-interest plans available. We can help you apply for credit so you can have your procedure as soon as you’re ready.”
Learn more during a private consultation with Dr. Clark
As an award-winning, female plastic surgeon and mother, Dr. Clark has an intimate understanding of both what it is like to experience unwelcome changes in your body as well as the options available to help you feel more comfortable and confident. She has years of experience helping women in Granite Bay and beyond with compassionate, understand care and extensive surgical skill.
Dr. Clark and her Granite Bay team also offer FemiLift laser vaginal rejuvenation, a non-surgical treatment that tones and tightens internal or external tissues, helping to enhance sexual intercourse, reduce vaginal dryness, reduce pain during intercourse, and even help alleviate stress urinary incontinence.
If you would like to know more about labiaplasty or any other procedure of interest, please contact our office to schedule a one-on-one consult with Dr. Clark.